2018 Goal - To Draw!
One of my goals is to one day illustrate my own picture books. To break that huge goal down into somewhat manageable chunks, I know I...
To Clean or Not to Clean, That is the Question
Can you imagine not taking a bath for 47 years?! Well that's what Real Owie and Real Torrey have done. These two have never been...
Baby Giraffes
I love baby giraffes. They are so cute! Everyone is talking about April the giraffe's new baby that was born on April 15th. Let's keep...
You'll Never Know Where Learning Something New May Take You
Back in October 2013, I went to Georgia to visit my girlfriend, Sherlyn. We were relaxing in her family room and she showed me some of...
When Raffi and Friends - The Lunch Box Mystery was Published
The week "Raffi and Friends - The Lunch Box Mystery" was published felt like when I was a little kid waiting for Christmas. I was so...