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Book Discussion Questions
Discussion questions can help your children/students have a more thought-provoking experience during or after reading a book.
Below are questions that you can ask your little one about Raffi and Friends - The Lunch Box Mystery (or have him/her come up with some of his/her own)!
*Click the PDF icon to open a printable document of the questions.

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Discussion Questions



•Which is your favorite character?  Why?

•What do you think Raffi would have done if his friends had not helped him find his lunch box?

•What are some other ways you would have helped Raffi?

•Do you think Raffi’s friends are good friends?  Why?

•Do you think Raffi is a good friend?  Why?

•Where are some of the places where Raffi and his friends searched for his lunch box?

•What did Raffi do when he realized he had lost his lunch box?

•How did Marlon Monroe help Raffi?

•How did Torrey help Raffi?

•How did Owie help Raffi?

•How could Raffi make sure not to forget his lunch box in the future?


Parts of the story/book

Who is the author?

Who is the illustrator?

Who are the characters?

What is the plot?

What is the setting?

What is the problem (conflict)?

What is the solution (resolution)?

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